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MapLink™ | Procedures | 6.03. Site Plan

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6.03. Site Plan
A.    Applicability
1.   Site Plan with a Rezoning Application
A Site Plan is required with a Rezoning application for:
a)   MF-2 Multi-Family-2 Residential District or MF-3 Multi-Family-3 Residential District (as required by the Director of Planning and Development)
b)   PD Planned Development District
c)   Specific Use Permit
2.   Site Plan with a Building Permit
A Site Plan is required with a Building Permit application for all development.

B.     Review Procedure
1.   Before preparing a Site Plan, applicants are encouraged to attend a pre-application meeting to meet with the Director of Planning and Development and/or the Building Official. The purpose of this meeting is for the applicant to learn the procedures and requirements for approval and initial review of the proposed concept.
2.   The Director of Planning and Development shall maintain forms and standards regarding the content, format, number of copies, and other information relating to the application for a Site Plan.
3.   In addition to the information maintained by the Director of Planning and Development, the City may require the following materials prior to final authorization for development:
a)   Final plat or replat,
b)   Engineering plans or construction plans,
c)   Traffic impact analysis, if applicable,
d)   Building elevations, if required,
e)   Landscape plans, if required,
f)    Flood study, if required, and
g)   Other approvals as required by ordinance or resolution.

C.    Approval Process
1.   For a Site Plan with a Rezoning Application:
a)   Review by the Director of Planning and Development and Building Official;
b)   Recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and
c)   Approval by the City Commission.
2.   For a Site Plan with a Building Permit:
a)   Review and approval by the Director of Planning and Development and Building Official.
3.   The approval authority may approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove of the Site Plan.

D.    Evaluation Criteria
Site Plans shall be reviewed in relation to the following criteria:
1.   Compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Regulations, and other ordinances of the City, including, but not limited to, off- street parking and loading, lighting, open space, generation of objectionable smoke, fumes, noise, odors. dust, glare, vibration, or heat.
2.   The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious design, setbacks, maintenance of property values and negative impacts.
3.   The provision of a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system.
4.   The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces are usable and are safely and conveniently arranged.
5.   The sufficient width and suitable grade and location of streets to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide fire/emergency access to buildings.
6.   The coordination of streets to compose a convenient system consistent with the thoroughfare plan.
7.   The use of landscaping and screening to provide adequate buffers to shield lights, noise, movement, or activities from adjacent properties when necessary and to complement the design and location of buildings to be integrated into the overall site design.
8.   Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent properties.
9.   Location, size and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses.
10. Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading.
11. Protection and conservation of water courses and areas subject to flooding.
12. The adequacy of water, drainage, sewage facilities, garbage disposal and other utilities necessary for essential services to residents and occupants.

E.     Effect of Site Plan Approval
Following Site Plan approval, a Building Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for subject developments.

F.     Minor Modifications
Final architectural and engineering design requirements may necessitate minor changes in the approved Site Plan. In such cases, the City Manager shall have authority to approve minor modifications of an approved Site Plan, provided that such modifications do not materially change the circulation and building location on the site.

G.    Expiration of a Site Plan
If development of a lot or tract with an approved Site Plan has not commenced within two (2) years of the date of final approval of the Site Plan, the Site Plan shall be deemed to have expired, and a new review and approval of a Site Plan for development of the property shall be undertaken by the City staff upon application by the owner, and such new approval shall be required before a Building Permit may be issued for development.