1. General. Carports and patio covers that are not attached to or abutting the Principal Building, or by breezeway, shall not be considered part of the Principal Building and shall instead be considered an Accessory Building. It is the continuing obligation of the owner or occupant to ensure the area underneath that structure continues to comply with the described standards for openness. Use of the structure for storage of non-motor vehicles is prohibited. Neither the roof nor any vertical support (posts, columns or piers) on a carport or patio cover shall encroach into any right-of-way or easement reserved for any purpose.
2. Permits. Construction or installation of any carport or patio cover shall require a building permit.
3. Methods and Materials of Construction. Construction or installation of carports and patio covers shall be in compliance with City of Canyon Code of Ordinances
Chapter 4, Building Regulations.
4. Size. Carports and patio covers shall count in the maximum square footage allowed for accessory buildings in residential zoning districts, where detached from a Principal Building. Carports and patio covers attached to or abutting a Principal Building shall not count toward allowable Accessory Building square footage. In both cases, carports and patio covers are included in the maximum allowable lot coverage.
5. Measurement. When measuring setbacks of carports and patio covers, measurement shall be from the leading edge or face of the roof.
6. Setbacks. Carports and patio covers shall adhere to all minimum building setbacks ordinarily required in the
applicable zoning district, except as follows:
a) Street Building Setback. For patio covers as described below, the leading edge or face of the roof may extend no closer than ten (10) feet from any lot boundary adjacent to a public or private street, provided that all the following conditions are met.
i) The leading edge or face of the roof shall not extend beyond the minimum front setback for a Principal Building on the same lot (i.e., carports are not permitted in required front yard setbacks).
ii) Patio covers must furthermore be architecturally compatible with the Principal Building on that same lot or tract of land. Compliance with at least two of the following three architectural standards is required:
a. Pitch or slope of the roofline must be physically integrated or otherwise visually consistent with the appearance of the roofline on the Principal Building (including attached garage) to which the carport or patio cover is attached or abuts;
b. Roof covering on the carport or patio cover must be similar in color and material composition to roof covering on the Principal Building; and/or
c. Beams or rafters supporting the roof covering must be made of wood or, if made of metal, covered from exterior view by wood (or cementitious fiber) fascia board.
iii) For the purpose of enforcing above-stated standards for architectural compatibility, an applicant for permit to build a front patio cover shall submit one or more elevation drawings which show exterior side and front views as well as materials planned to be used in constructing the proposed patio cover. Drawings must illustrate how the proposed improvement will relate architecturally with the Principal Building to which that patio cover is attached or abuts. Drawings and specifications shall be submitted to the Building Official or his/her designee, in addition to whatever information is ordinarily required with application for permit to build a patio cover.
b) Interior Side Building Setback. The following minimum building setbacks from interior side lot boundaries (not adjacent to a street) shall apply to carports and patio covers:
i) In all nonresidential zoning districts, carports and patio covers attached to or abutting an enclosed structure may extend as close to an interior side lot boundary as allowed for the Principal Building from that same side lot boundary. Within these same zoning districts, carports and patio covers that are detached by more than six inches from an enclosed building shall extend no closer than three (3) feet from an interior side lot boundary. In the absence of a solid wall, this measurement shall be made from the leading edge or face of the roof on that carport or patio cover.
ii) In all other residential zoning districts, carports and patio covers which extend closer to an interior side lot boundary than the minimum setback otherwise required of the Principal Building shall be open-sided on at least two and one-half of three sides projecting therein. A minimum seven (7) vertical feet from the finished floor level of any such carport, patio cover or portion thereof shall be open and unobstructed by any structure, walls, screening or ornamental components of any kind except for posts, columns or piers supporting the roof and which are no greater than twenty-four (24) inches in width or diameter. Such open-sided carports and patio covers which extend closer to an interior side lot boundary than the minimum setback (otherwise required of the Principal Building) shall extend no closer than three (3) feet from that interior side lot boundary unless said boundary is adjacent to an alley, in which case only a minimum one (1) foot setback is required. In the absence of a solid wall, these measurements shall be made from the leading edge or face of the roof on that carport or patio cover.
c) Rear Building Setback
The following minimum building setbacks from rear lot boundaries shall apply to carports and patio covers:
i) In all nonresidential zoning districts, carports and patio covers attached to or abutting an enclosed building may extend as close to the rear lot boundary as allowed by the minimum rear setback required (in that zoning district) for the enclosed building to which that carport or patio cover is attached or abutting. Carports and patio covers that are detached by more than six (6) inches from an enclosed building shall extend no closer than five (5) feet from a rear lot boundary, as measured from the leading edge or face of the roof.
ii) In all residential zoning districts, carports and patio covers attached to or abutting the Principal Building and which extend closer to a rear lot boundary than the minimum rear setback otherwise required of the Principal Building shall be open-sided on at least two and one-half of three sides. A minimum seven (7) vertical feet from the finished floor (platform) level of any such carport, patio cover or portion thereof shall be open and unobstructed by any structure, walls, screening or ornamental components of any kind except for posts, columns or piers supporting the roof and which are no greater than twenty-four (24) inches in width or diameter. Open-sided carports and patio covers that are detached by more than six inches from an enclosed building shall extend no closer than three (3) feet from a rear lot boundary unless said rear boundary adjoins an alley, in which case only a minimum one (1) foot building setback is required. In the absence of a solid wall, these measurements shall be made from the leading edge or face of the roof on that carport or patio cover.
7. Maximum Height. In all Residential, Retail, Commercial, and Industrial Districts, the total height of a carport or patio cover (open on at least two and one-half sides) shall not exceed twelve (12) feet, with the following architectural exceptions allowed in all zoning districts where this twelve (12) foot height limit is otherwise applicable:
a) Where built into the roofline of the Principal Building and with the same roofing materials thereof, in which case the height shall not exceed the height of that principal building; or
b) Where detached from the Principal Building and built with a pitched roof utilizing similar materials and colors to that of the roof covering the principal building, and the lowest horizontal feature (beam) of the roof structure does not exceed twelve (12) feet in height above the finished floor (platform) level.