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MapLink™ | Procedures | 6.07. Alternative Compliance

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6.07. Alternative Compliance
A.    Purpose and Applicability
1.   Purpose
The purpose of the Alternative Compliance process is to allow for different standards that are in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and will produce a substantially equivalent effect or enhanced level of results as intended by the original development standards.
2.   Applicability
a)   The applicable zoning district standards for a project shall not be reduced or varied using the Alternative Compliance process unless such standard(s) is specifically cited as qualifying for Alternative Compliance consideration in its respective section of these Regulations.
b)   Alternative Compliance shall be granted only as indicated for each regulation.
c)   The City is not obligated to grant Alternative Compliance for any application.
B.     Approval Process
1.   A request for Alternative Compliance from certain provisions, as specifically cited within these Regulations, may be submitted for review and approval along with the Site Plan for a project, or along with the project’s initial development application (as applicable for the project).
2.   All Alternative Compliance requests shall be clearly delineated graphically or in narrative format, as appropriate, on the Site Plan (or on the project’s initial development application), including a reference to the specific section within these Zoning Regulations that allows consideration of such alternative standard(s).
i)         The decision-maker on the application shall be responsible for approval of Alternative Compliance.
ii)        Alternative Compliance may be requested only for the regulations listed in Table 30.
Table 30. Regulations Eligible for Alternative Compliance
Section Application
4.02.E.3   Alternative Compliance for MS Main Street Overlay Building Design
4.03.D.3   Alternative Compliance for CC Commercial Corridor Overlay Building Design
4.05.D Alternative Compliance for Landscaping
4.07.F Alternative Compliance for Off-Street Parking
C.    Evaluation Criteria
The proposed standard(s) shall meet all of the following criteria:
1.   Be in agreement with and promote the Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations and policies;
2.   Does not reduce a standard unless it is, to the greatest extent practical, equally mitigated or improved by increasing standards of other requirements; and
3.   Does not modify the land uses allowed in the zoning district in which the subject property is located.